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Movie reviews by a crack team of ex-film students. In Pod form! We watch whatever's new every weekend, and then post our review by Tuesday. Sometimes you'll get a video review out of us, too.
i appreciate your use of the word "smarmy."
WHOA. sean hurlburt had as much fun as he did when he saw "stardust"? basically all i KNOW about sean is that he loved "stardust." i'm going to see it RIGHT. NOW. regardless of the rest of the "middle of the road" reviews.
Jet Li in his serious roles...like "The One"? That's your go-to Jet Li role? You guys need to set aside a Saturday and watch the "Once Upon a Time in China" series. The story telling is excellent, it raises historical issues about China under British imperialism, but the knowledge that it was made as part of mainland China's propaganda push also raises questions about current politics. Excellent films. And much kung fu-ity.
That said, you're right that Jet Li in Lethal Weapon 4 is as good as his American films gets.
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