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Movie reviews by a crack team of ex-film students. In Pod form! We watch whatever's new every weekend, and then post our review by Tuesday. Sometimes you'll get a video review out of us, too.
I hope you're not judging my lifestyle Werkheiser.
I should begin by saying that I've never seen either iteration of this franchise, and I'm even more of a poopy-pants about these things than Kevin is, so take it with a grain of salt.
This movie sounds TERRIBLE. I'm not necessarily saying it is terrible, but all the jokes you mentioned (cock-meat sandwich) made it sound like Van Wilder. In what way does it rise above that? Just by the performances, or the pacing of the dialog or some other intangible that doesn't come over in reviews?
Though I do have to say all y'all's podcasts are still a delight to listen to.
If I may venture an opinion...
If the concept of two guys agonizing over the possibility of having to suck a guy off while he refers to the blowjob as a "cockmeat sandwich" doesn't appeal to you, I'd give you an above average chance of disliking the movie. It is worth noting, though, that to this point Kevin and I have largely agreed about the films we've seen, and I myself have no great affinity for forced blowjob humor.
The thing that I think does elevate the movie is the familiarity John Cho and Kal Penn seem to have with each other as actors. From a performance standpoint, they really do interact and play off of each other in a way that is exceptional when compared to other comedy tandems in recent memory. While the material may sometimes fall flat, or at its best seem dumb, their dynamic is interesting, and I could easily imagine them teaming up in a great movie if they had the proper writers/director behind them.
Well, I do like Kal Penn, but I think I'd rather re-watch The Namesake than pay 10 bucks for this. Though I might be persuaded to netflix it later.
It's the same character, though, right?
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