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Movie reviews by a crack team of ex-film students. In Pod form! We watch whatever's new every weekend, and then post our review by Tuesday. Sometimes you'll get a video review out of us, too.
Good review! Some random thoughts when I should be working, though I haven't seen the movie myself:
* You alluded to it a bit in this podcast, but I think everyone's using a different metric for what 1-10 means. It would be good to have each person give an example of a movie at each level: what movie is a 4 to you? a 9? You could do it as a special feature, either with one person per week giving their ten, or everyone giving a number per week.
* Renée Zellweger looks like a recently born sharpee puppy whose eyes haven't completely opened yet, which I guess you could describe as cute, but not in the way one usually means that term in reference to movie stars.
Funny you should mention the idea of a special feature where we all give our ratings as I had thought of that myself not too long ago. As a matter of fact, we already recorded it and it should be up some time this week.
Thanks for the comment, "ian," and I hope you keep on lissnin'!
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