Darkman IS the Judeo-Christian God IN The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. Sadly he's not in much of the movie, presumably because Lucy needed to learn a special technique from Yoda in order to communicate with him. Not a lot of other name actors in there, other than surprise guest star "Swilda Tintin" and Eddie "Could've Been Cut Out of Across the Universe and Never Been Missed" Izzard as Kilroy from that Eleventh Hour book. Still, if you like bears with learning disabilities, this one's for you.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Get To Know Your Podcasters!
Have you noticed that when it comes time to rate the movies on a scale of 1 to 10, even the club members who sounded like they agreed on the quality of the film will have wildly varying scores? Well, it's true anyway. This podcast at long last answers why, while giving you a little insight into our tastes outside of the film grenades we throw ourselves on for you every week. Enjoy!
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Movie Review #9: Speed Racer
They brought you the Matrix movies, and you brought them internet fanboy bullshit negativity. "Sure, there are cool fights and whatnot, but I'm not 100% with the philosophical elements, so therefore they're shitty. I'd way rather watch Equilibrium again." That's how you repay them. And how do they repay you for your repayment? By making the kind of fan love letter to a childhood favorite of which Michael Bay could never, WOULD never dream. And how do you repay their repayment for how you repaid them? By staying away in droves. I hope you're proud of yourself, America. Enjoy What Happens in Vegas, you sons of jackals. Here's your damn podcast.
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Monday, May 12, 2008
Summer Movie Preview '08
I understand that you probably have a lot on your mind this summer, with gas prices steadily climbing and the economy steadily falling. Most likely you've been too busy to think, "Hey, what does my favorite film club think will be the best and worst movies of the summer?" Well, not-wonder no more! This, in as clear a fashion as possible, will answer all those questions you haven't been asking for the last few weeks. Sure, we've already given full reviews for a couple of the movies we preview on here, but that just gives you the chance to mock my smug former self for thinking he wouldn't like Iron Man. The 'cast is almost 45 minutes long, but we talked for a solid 12 hours, so you're just getting the cream of the cream, as the French say.
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Movie Review #8: Iron Man
From the so-money-but-doesn't-even-know director of Elf comes yet another attempt to turn a hit Cardigans song into a mainstream film hero. But did Iron Man succeed where 1998's Christian Slater vehicle Lovefool failed? The team of Robert "Rehab" Downey Jr., Gwyneth "Chris Martin Receptacle" Paltrow and Jeff "That Carpet Really Pulled The Room Together" Bridges do their best to try and make it happen. Heather Werkheiser guest 'casts!
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