Movie reviews by a crack team of ex-film students. In Pod form! We watch whatever's new every weekend, and then post our review by Tuesday. Sometimes you'll get a video review out of us, too.
This week with the aid of DVD technology, we review Southland Tales, Richard Kelly's long-awaited follow-up to Donnie Darko. It was widely panned, but were ALL the other reviewers wrong? Could this, in fact, be a phenomenal artistic success? Listen and see.
This week we review Doomsday. Is it a good, old-fashioned action flick, or just a painful retread of the worst elements of 80s B-movies? You decide. Or rather, we decide.
These podcasts are not meant as reviews in the traditional sense, in that we can't review the movies before they come out. They're more of a post-game wrap up. We have no compunction about ruining the best parts any more than John Madden worries about ruining the play by having an instant replay. And drawing little arrows and whatnot. I don't even know if he's still announcing, to be honest. Still. Helluva guy.
All that said, if you didn't run out and see the movie the first weekend, presumably you're not all that excited about it. I'm willing to bet that listening to us talk about a movie WILL make you want to see it, which puts you in a difficult position as we may ruin the best parts of it (see above). Good luck.